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The cycles revisited

The Cycles

A cycle, by definition, consists of a multitude of points, through which the path progresses, and then returns to the starting point. Numerology describes a number of cycles of varying length that impact each one of us at any given time. We have discussed the cycles in prior articles, but they are such an integral part of understanding numerology that they deserve a fuller explanation.

Your personal cycles include:
The Life Path - A full lifetime
The periods - A minimum of 27 years
The pinnacles - From 9 to 40+ years
The personal years - 9 years
The personal months - 9 months
The personal days - 9 days
The transits - varies with your name values
The essences - varies with your name values

Universal cycles that affect you:
The sidereal year - 26000 years
The universal millennia - 1000 years
The universal centuries - 100 years
The universal decades - 10 years
The universal years - 9 years
The universal months - 9 months
The universal days - 9 days

Other cycles to which you relate
The cycles of your business
The cycles of your marriage
The cycles of your spouse or significant other
The cycles of friends and associates

These lists cover the most important cycles in your life, but is not complete.

The Effect of the Cycles

The personal cycles kick in at the moment of birth, but you don't necessarily start at the beginning of a cycle. For example, you are born into the personal year cycle in the personal year that corresponds with your life path number. My life path number is a 4. So I was born in the 4th personal year of my first (shortened) cycle. Anyone else who has a 4 life path, no matter when he was born, is in the same cycle. To calculate the life path number add the digits of the full birth date ddmmyyyy, then add the total until you get a single digit. This is your life Path number. The personal months and personal days are a part of the personal year and follow the same progression.

You will have an affinity for people in the same cycle, because everyone in the same cycle is experiencing the same type of event at the same time. As an example, in an emotional year, everyone that is in that same personal year will feel increased emotion. Someone who is emotional by nature will be even more emotional. Someone who is logical or tends to suppress emotion will feel an increase, even though he or she may not show it.

People who are in an adjacent cycle will always be out of sync with you. For example, anyone with a 3 life path or with a 5 life path will be out of sync with me.

Determining the cycles does not mean that you will like everyone in the same cycle and despise everyone in an adjacent cycle. But when dealing with people in the same cycle, you have an idea what they are experiencing and how they will react. Dealing with someone in an adjacent cycle requires a greater degree of accommodation of each other. If you want to play and the other person wants to work, you need a compromise. Some very solid marriages have incompatible cycles, because each party understands that the response of the other is not necessarily personal or spiteful.

The Business Effect

This same consideration needs to be made with your business. If the business is on a compatible cycle you can follow your natural inclination in your business decisions. If the business is in an incompatible cycle, you need to consider both your personal cycles and the business cycles, and find a workable accommodation. This constant dissonance can cause early burn-out. If you have someone in the business who is in sync with the business, you may find yourself at a disadvantage in your own business.

Why put yourself through the hassle. You may be in this situation because you bought an established business or you just allowed circumstance to dictate the start date. The only way to change the cycles is to establish a new business entity through incorporation or re-incorporation. If you have struggled against this conflict, you know that the change is worth the time and cost.

Coming Back to the Starting Point (pass "Go")

As you traverse each cycle, you eventually arrive at the starting point again. The shorter cycles return to the start more often than the longer cycles and have a more intense impact upon our actions. At times you may have more than one cycle ending at the same time. This coincidence can have a noticeable impact.

Each cycle has a ruling number and an established length. The start of each repeated cycle gives you the opportunity for a fresh start. Many of the cycles begin with a 1 energy, which is the number of new beginnings.

The peak of rewards in a cycle occurs near the ending of that cycle. In a sense then, we come back to "Go" and collect the rewards of the cycle.

Predicting the Future from the Past

The easiest cycle to consider is the personal year. It is a 9 year cycle. If you journal, or if you remember a year because of a significant event, you can know that in the current year you will experience events that are similar to those that you experienced 9 years ago.

We would expect that life experiences will enable you to tackle more complex situations in each repeat of the cycle. As a result, the circumstances may be quite different from the same personal year in a past cycle, but the type of activity will be similar.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
President. Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.

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