Dealing with a Vendor's Motivation

Over the coming weeks we will explain the different parts of a vendor's chart to determine how to make the most reasoned choices.

Most of the time a business will have established sources of supply for their product and office needs. Often these choices are made based upon referrals from other businesses or from friends. Sometimes there may not be a choice. There is only one source. Usually these recommendations work out reasonably well. If you are content with your suppliers there is no reason to make a change.

But with the numbers you can know in advance how to deal with a particular source. You may go along in your usual pattern of ordering without realizing that you are paying premium prices over what others may pay. You may feel unsure of your dealings because their promotional pieces do not ring true. With the numbers you will know. Then you can make a decision as to how you will handle this particular account. You now have the edge.

To evaluate potential vendors, first calculate the Soul Urge (the total of the values of all the vowels in the name.) This gives you the motivation from which that vendor works. By knowing this piece of information you can determine how best to conduct your negotiations.

The following guide shows what to expect with each of the motivation numbers. For each Soul Urge Number you can know your best approach. Whenever you consider only a part of the chart as we are here, keep in mind that the other elements of the chart can modify the effect of the Soul Urge. Take the following information as an indicator. In future issues, as we look at the other core numbers, you will get a fuller picture of vendor.

This article deals with the general approach of the company as reflected in their policies. Individual salespeople may have a different viewpoint. However, you will generally find that salespeople who do not fit the company's pattern do not stay long.
(For your calculations, a=1, e=5, i-9, o=6, u=3, y=7, w=5)

1 A vendor with a 1 soul urge is going to look out for its own best interest. This vendor will deal fairly, based upon facts and figures. Any concessions will need to benefit both sides. They can be open to innovative ideas to get put the deal down. Expect a straightforward transaction.
2 A vendor with a 2 Soul Urge will be sensitive to the needs of the customer. They will want the detailed facts, but the ultimate deal will be based upon a combination of logic and emotion. They will bend over backward to try to accommodate you. Be alert in your dealings. This vendor can be manipulative and can play upon your emotions.
3 This vendor can talk a good line, but is lax on the details. When dealing with a 3 it is desirable to have the entire agreement reduced to writing, in spite of the insistence that the formal approach is not necessary. After all, a handshake between gentlemen should be adequate. When it comes to fulfill the agreement, the vendor's memory could well differ from your recall.
4 Honesty and integrity are the hallmarks of this vendor. It will insist that each detail be pinned down. It has established procedures. If you deal with this vendor, you will do the transaction according to their method written in stone. You will get a fair deal with little hype.
5 This is the typical wheeler-dealer. Expect a lot of hype with little substantiation. You can get a good deal from this vendor, but you can also get taken. This vendor will often have that once-in-a-lifetime deal that you have to jump on immediately. Be wary.
6 This vendor wants you to be its friend. Customer relations is a primary concern. Add a keen sense of responsibility and you have a vendor with whom you will want to deal for a long time. Your dealings will be based upon sound business principles, but with a human touch.
7 Be sure to clarify each point. Words may have a different meaning to this vendor than they do to you. Misunderstandings can arise without fault on either side. Both of you thought that the agreement was clear, but you interpreted it quite differently.
8 The bottom line of the deal is the important factor. Money will control the negotiations. Show the vendor how it will profit and you can probably make the deal. Go in prepared. Slipshod negotiations will go nowhere.
9 This vendor will bend over backward to help you if you can show how the deal will help to raise the level of society. Don't try to deceive it. It deals from a place of integrity. If you tarnish your image with them, they may choose not to deal with you further.

Check out your experience with some of your vendors. See whether the Soul Urge number could improve your negotiations with them.

Next issue we will cover the Expression number which indicates the capabilities of the Vendor.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.

You may republish this article without charge, provided that you make no changes to the content and keep the signature box intact.

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