Dealing with a Vendor's Image

Over the coming weeks we will explain the different parts of a vendor's chart to determine how to make the most reasoned choices.

During this series of articles dealing with the core numbers of the vendors, I will repeat the explanatory material that is common to all the core numbers and enclose them in parentheses. If you wish to skip to the new material, it is separated by a line.
{Most of the time a business will have established sources of supply for their product and office needs. Often these choices are made based upon referrals from other businesses or from friends. Sometimes there may not be a choice. There is only one source. Usually these recommendations work out reasonably well. If you are content with your suppliers there is no reason to make a change.

But with the numbers you can know in advance how to deal with a particular source. You may go along in your usual pattern of ordering without realizing that you are paying premium prices over what others may pay. You may feel unsure of your dealings because their promotional pieces do not ring true. With the numbers you will know. Then you can make a decision as to how you will handle this particular account. You now have the edge.

The next step in evaluating a Vendor is to determine how that vendor wishes you to view it. This determination is encoded in the personality number, which is the total of the values of all the consonants of the business name.

By way of example, with the business name "A Friendly Store, Inc." I would include the A, but not the Inc. in the calculation. Some numerologists would not calculate the A, and others would include the Inc. Obviously, each of these forms would give a different result. It is in making this type of determination that the art of numerology comes into play. The only way to be sure is to test for accuracy through feedback, After you have done a number of calculations you will get a feel for what gives you accurate results.

With a name like "The Microsoft Corporation" I would include all three names in the calculation, because Corporation seems to be an integral part of the name rather than just a suffix. If you have questions as you are starting out, calculate all the alternatives and see which one fits the best. Eventually you will develop the method that consistently works for you.

You will often find that the expression number and the soul urge number (as well as the other core numbers) are not in agreement. You can have direct conflicts or a shading of difference. Again, interpretation is necessary. The expression number is stronger than the soul urge (the total of all the vowels.) So read it first then consider the modifications necessary to coordinate the soul urge.

The effect of the personality number:

The next step in evaluating a Vendor is to determine how that vendor wishes you to view it. This determination is encoded in the personality number, which is the total of the values of all the consonants of the business name.
The personality number is a lesser core number and does not have as strong an impact on the total chart. It does, however give us insight into what the vendor wants you to think of it. You can determine whether the image is a facade that covers over the true character, or if what you see is what you get.

If the personality number is incompatible with the rest of the core, it is a facade. If it is compatible with another core element, even though it may be in conflict with another number, it shows where the vendor places its true emphasis. To make a full evaluation, you need to know the numbers of the entire chart.

Series of compatible numbers:

1,4,8 Business energies
2,6,9 Care giving or service energies
3,6,9 Creative and artistic energies
5 is very independent. It matches most closely the business energies, but can relate to all.
7 is aloof and inner, a loner

The image presented by each personality number
1 An innovative business
2 A sophisticated merchant who desires to please you
3 A friendly business with good lines of communication
4 A solid traditional business, conservative and honest
5 A business on the cutting edge, quick to adopt the latest technology.
6 A responsible, service oriented business
7 A respectable business, but a bit difficult with which to deal.
8 A money oriented, traditional business, usually on a large scale
9 A philanthropic or altruistic oriented business

If you know that a vendor with whom you are dealing is presenting a facade, you will know how to deal with the true nature of that business. You won't be taken in by a false image. This information is most vital when dealing with a new vendor. After you have had experience with this business you will learn its true nature.

Of course, the matter is made more complex because of the individual numbers of the particular agents of the company with whom you have contact. It has been my experience that employees and officers of a company who have individual numbers that are not compatible with the company numbers tend to be short term employees.
Next week we will calculate the life path number, which shows the major purpose that the business is to fulfill.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.

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