What does Bill Gates Have That We Don't?

Applying numerology to business, what does Bill Gates have that we don't - besides money, that is. A review of his numbers shows a profile of the world's youngest billionaire. What drove him to this level of accomplishment? Can we aspire to his income?
His numbers, based upon an October 28, 1955, birth date and a birth name of William Henry Gates, are as follows:

Life Path 4
Expression 3
Soul Urge 1
Personality 11/2
Birth Day 1
Integrative Vision 2

The first striking observation is that the chart is well balanced with enough conflict to prove interesting, but without major roadblocks to success. Money is not his primary motivator, which goes to show that chasing after money as the goal may not be as productive as doing what excites your passions, with money as an outcome.

His motivation is to see his original ideas brought into manifestation (1 soul urge and 1 birthday.) To accomplish this goal he is not so egotistical that he is unwilling to listen to the advice and information from a wide variety of sources (11/2 personality and 2 integrative vision), but he will modify his findings to fit into his own scheme.
Whatever he decides is worth his time and effort, he will work diligently to complete the job (4 life path.) Once he has put all the pieces into place, he can sell the project through his powerful persuasive abilities (3 expression.)

This is a man of honesty and integrity, but not above using a bit of manipulation to achieve his purpose (combination of 4 life path and 2 integrative vision number.)
This is a man of passion and concern for others, but with controlled emotions that do not always allow these deep feelings to show. He can be fun-loving and youthful in his outlook.
Bill Gates has a secret desire to bring enlightenment to the world. It appears that through Microsoft, he has gone a long way toward fulfilling this wish.

2003 is a 7 personal year, which is a year of introspection and uncertainty of the path. He has been pondering his next course of action. He is not an administrator. He has wisely left much of the management side of the business to others. But he has reached the point with the company that he is likely rethinking his involvement. He prefers to be hands-on with the development of the products. In his present position, that chance is limited. As a result I feel that possibly as early as next year, but certainly within the next three years he will announce that he is starting a new company that will allow him to once again be where the action is. He is now too insulated from this type of involvement.
Using the current name of Bill Gates emphasizes his charitable nature and his desire to bring improvement to society.

Next week we will look at the Microsoft Corporation numbers, and the follow up with a comparison of the personal numbers with the corporate numbers. Stay with us on this study. I think that you will find some unexpected insights from the numbers.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
President. Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
You may republish this article without charge, provided that you make no changes to the content and keep the signature box intact.

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