Bill Gates vs. Microsoft

The core numbers for the corporation are:
The official name is Microsoft Corporation. The date of incorporation was June 25, 1981. Life Path 14/5 Expression 1 Soul Urge 4 Birth Day 7 Personality 6 Integrative Vision 5
The core numbers for Bill Gates:
His numbers, based upon an October 28, 1955, birth date and a birth name of William Henry Gates, are as follows: Life Path 4 Expression 3 Soul Urge 1 Personality 11/2 Birth Day 1 Integrative Vision 2

Looking beyond the core to the progressed charts, both Bill Gates and Microsoft are in extended essences which are in conflict. Microsoft began a 7 year stretch of a 16/7 essence in June of 1999, which will extend to June of 2005. During this period a lot of development work is being done. Public relations are a challenge. Miscommunication is likely. The corporation will come across to the public as aloof and uncaring. With the attacks that Microsoft has been under from all sides, a part of this aloofness is for protection. It senses a vulnerability.
Bill Gates had an extended 19/1 essence from October of 1995 through October of 2001, This essence caused him to be very competitive and confrontational, determined to see his projects succeed. In October of 2002 he began a string of 5 years under a 6 essence, which is well balanced, considerate and customer oriented, A totally opposite energy.
The corporation is much more risk taking than is comfortable to Bill Gates. Bill Gates wants to be thorough and accurate, with every nuance tested before a product is put on the market. The corporation is content to get it out and work through the problems as they occur.

I see this conflict growing, driving Bill Gates and Microsoft further apart. Bill Gates has spent this year pondering his options, trying to determine what he really wants from his relationship with Microsoft. He likely has not made a complete determination yet, but I would expect that by the end of September he will have the clarity that he needs.
I see this situation developing in one of two ways, depending upon Bill Gates' ponderings. Either he will need to take heavy-handed control to mold the corporation to his liking or he will move on to a new venture.

I don't see Bill Gates desiring the confrontations necessary to change the direction of the Corporation, but if he feels that continued success demands his stepping into a stronger role he is capable of doing it.

Microsoft Corporation, with or without Bill Gates, is on the threshold of a new phase of activity that will take it to the next level. Will this fresh start be enough to keep Bill Gates interested? The same basic conflicts will continue. I do not see Bill Gates abandoning Microsoft. But I do see him redirecting his efforts into new channels. I would expect him to stay in his position into 2006 to see the new operating system become established in the market. At that point the conflicts will again become strong enough that Bill Gates will decide that it is time to meet a new challenge of his own creation.
I would be interested in the thoughts of you numerologists out there. Let's get some discussion going on the Board.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
Daniel R. Hardt Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Publishing House 
Life Path Business Services

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