What to do When the Numbers Work Against You

Picture the scene. It should be easy. We have all been there. You are pushing a deadline on an important piece of work. You feel that the success of this project will make your career or at least move you a giant step forward. The work yet to be completed will have you pushing steadily until late hours, and even then you are not sure that you have sufficient time. In a feverish sweat you struggle toward completion.
Now bring in the numbers. Suppose that this activity were taking place under a strong 2 influence; a 2 day, month or year. The 2 is passive and laid back. The essence of the 2 is to patiently allow things to take their course and to move at their own pace. If you follow this path you know that you will not complete the project, and your whole career could be placed into jeopardy.

The first question is why you are on such a pushed deadline. Was it because you procrastinated through the more aggressive energies, or was it thrust upon you at the last minute. The next question is whether your assessment of the effect is correct. Is your assessment based upon reality or is it wishful thinking. Is there a concrete promise of reward, or is it just a hoped for result. The third question is what are the consequences if the project is not completed or if it is completed late.
For this purpose, let us assume that the project was thrust upon you at the last minute, that there is a solid promise of reward for completion and that if the project is late you could be fired.

Chances are that under the given circumstances you would rush right in and get busy without taking the time to even consider an alternative. You feel under the gun and are determined to succeed in the challenge. As you work at the task against this pressure, you begin to find that your mind is not as sharp as you would like it to be. As you go along you begin to tire and mistakes crop up. You may even need to redo portions. The panic that sets in causes you to struggle even harder. You finish the task, but do not feel the exhilaration that you expected because the finished product is not up to the standards that you have set for yourself.

If you had only been in a 1 day or any other number that is driving and is accomplishment oriented, you would have completed the project with flying colors; but you were in a 2 day.

You can work against the energy of your numbers or you can work with that energy. The numbers are not fate. You have the choice, but when you oppose your energies it is paddling upstream. The choice will likely depend upon how well you know your numbers and how much you trust the pattern of your cycles.

The opposite scenario in compliance with the numbers could go quite differently. Knowing in advance that you would be doing the project in a 2 day, you may try to negotiate an extension of the time. The 2 energy is a very good negotiator. Instead of rushing right into the task, you may do more preliminary planning and prioritizing of the work. Once you got started you would take the attitude that you will do your best to complete the project on time, but you will pace yourself and be sure that each step is completed satisfactorily before moving forward. You will eliminate the panic by relaxing and working steadily. You may even play some soothing music. Your thinking is not blocked by feelings of desperation.

You may complete the project more quickly than you would have with a mad-dash scramble, and you certainly will be more pleased with the product. In addition you may find that even without finishing, that the portion that is completed will be of such quality that you will be given the extension needed for completion.
Another likely possibility is that since the project was given to you at the last minute, that it was not initially well-planned. During the course of your working on it there may have been some change in what was desired. Had you frantically pushed, these changes may have required a complete redoing of the work.

Common sense should rule your decisions in spite of the numbers, but if you can trust them the numbers will show you the better way.

Now, let's assume the worst case. You did not finish the project on time nor in a satisfactory manner, and were fired as a result. Would you want to continue working for such an unreasonable boss?

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
Daniel R. Hardt Life Path Numerology Center, Inc. Life Path Publishing House Life Path Business Services
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