Taking the Gamble with Numerology

Gambling has become a wide-spread addiction in the United States. Not only are individuals caught up in the madness, but governments as well have become enamored of the money that fills the public coffers from gambling. As numerologists, we are frequently asked about providing lucky numbers for winning the lottery. We refuse these types of requests absolutely.

Can the numbers guarantee you a winning ticket? I suppose that I would not be above using numerology in this manner if it could provide a sure win. Be wary of those sites or readers who offer you these magic numbers. Their usual approach is to calculate your chart and give you the numbers that match your major energies, or those who think that you are gullible will merely give you numbers that reduce to an 8, as the number of money. You are no more likely to win with these numbers than you are with random selection. Many people are seeking something for nothing. You usually pay dearly for what you get in this manner.

Gaming numbers, in my opinion, is not an appropriate use of numerology. Providing these numbers gives a false impression of the proper use. When the purchaser of this type of service does not win they will likely blame numerology, rather than the false premise sold to them by a sham reader.

Yet I also see people in business who want to use numerology as a talisman or a magic cure-all. Again. I think that they have been sold a bill of goods, or else they want to be deceived. Numerology helps you to understand what is going on in your world. It can help you to make more valid decisions. It does not magically change the outcome of your actions.

I had a client several years ago who wanted to sell her business. She assumed that because she had come into a 5 personal year that the business would sell quickly at her asking price. She wanted this result to occur automatically, without any action on her part. Because she said that she trusted the numbers, she did absolutely nothing to promote the sale of her business, and became extremely upset when she was still the owner at the end of that year. Totally disillusioned, she was convinced that numerology was bogus. She wanted to win the lottery, not make a sound business decision.

You can look at a road map all day long, but if you don't get in the car and take off, you will still be at home at days end. You have to do the work. Numerology helps you to know what work is most appropriate for the day. It doesn't do it for you.

Numerology does not remove your responsibilities from you. It helps you to fulfill those responsibilities smoothly and in the best timing. That is why we have chosen the slogan for Life Path Numerology Center, Inc. "...when you are ready to take charge of your life."

Use numerology as business tool, not as a magic wand, and you will gain great benefit from it.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt


Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Publishing House
Life Path Business Services


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