Preparation for a New Year

The timing of the energy shift with each increment of a cycle is somewhat dependent upon the length of the cycle. The longer cycles have a greater overlap than do the shorter cycles. The shift of the daily cycle is often pronounced and precise, with perhaps only a couple hours overlap on either side of midnight. The monthly cycle usually will have 2 or 3 days of overlap. The yearly cycle will have 2 or 3 months of overlap. The period cycles will have 2 or 3 years of overlap.

What the overlap means for the yearly cycle is that you will begin to feel the new energy coming in about October and gradually increasing its influence to the first of the year when it becomes full blown. The preceding year will continue to hold diminishing influence through the first few months of the new year. Between October and March your will feel the conflict between these two energies. The yearly energies are a progression from 1 through 9 in order. If you are in a 1 year now, you are coming into a 2 year. That will be followed by a 3 year, and so forth. Adjacent numbers tend to be in conflict, and you will notice these opposite pulls. The yearly energy is experienced in its purest state between the start of April and the end of September.

If you follow the cycles you will begin to notice certain patterns that are consistent from year to year, although with different numbers attached to them. To determine the month number you add the calendar month number to the personal year number. For a 1 personal year you add 1 for January, giving a 2 personal month. As stated. adjacent numbers are in conflict. In addition you are still feeling some influence from the prior year (9 in the example.)

January starts the year off with conflicting energies. As a result you may wonder about the accuracy of your yearly reading during this month.

September is the peak month for the yearly energy, because the year energy and the month energy are the same. On the 9th, 18th and 27th the day energy is the same as the month and the year. This pattern is true for everyone no matter what cycle they are in. So in September everyone is more intensely influenced by a single energy, and particularly on the three mentioned days.

October is also a 1 month. (1+0=1), but it is strengthened by the energies of the coming year. The month energy for October is the same as the year energy coming up. October is a preview of what to expect during the next year. If you observed the October events you will have an idea what to expect for the coming year.

You will find the situation less complex if your business and personal cycles are the same. If the business is in a different cycle from you, you will need to coordinate the energies. You will need to consider the business year for matters pertaining to the business. You will give precedence to your personal year in matters outside the business. If the business personal year and your own personal year are in conflict you will find yourself torn apart by the conflict. This conflict can be a major cause of burnout.

Each year is a new energy. If you did not like the results of the past year, you can look forward to a shift in the coming year. You are going from an even number to an odd number or vice versa. As a general rule the odd numbers are active and the even numbers are passive. You will notice the change.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.

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