The Effect of Using a Shortened Business Name

Your carefully laid plans for your business name may be thwarted by the tendency of your customers to use a nick name or a shortened name for your business. As with your personal name, your business does not lose the base of the official name, but the common name by which a business is known can have a positive, a neutral or a negative effect upon the business.

McDonald Corporation, for example, is well known throughout the world. This corporation has built a business that has influenced our way of life in both overt and in subtle ways. I have my doubts as to whether a numerologist was used to determine the name, but the the base energies are very favorable. It has an 8 Soul Urge (the total of the vowels) and a 3 expression (The total of all the letters). The 8 provides good business acumen and a desire for success. The 3 provides the communication skills necessary to sell this large a project.

Now when the kids want to eat out, they don't say let's go to McDonald Corporation. No, They say, "I want to go to "McDonald's" or "Let's go to Mickey D's." Chances are that the founders could perceive people calling the business McDonalds, But Mickey D's was an outgrowth of the popularity.

McDonald's brings in a 7 Soul urge and a 4 expression. The 7 brings a conflict to the 8 in the base base. It is very analytical and somewhat secretive - not necessarily a good selling energy. The 4, which is in conflict with the 3 in the base, is order and system.

Even though there may be some conflict, McDonald Corporation has taken this added energy and put it to good use. One of the primary characteristics that has led to success has been the emphasis upon systems. Every item in any McDonald's store is supposed to be made to the same standard. A Quarter-Pounder in America is the same as a Quarter-Pounder in Russia. Each element is reduced to a system.

Mickey D's is more consistent with the base energies. This name probably has stuck because the energies fit. It has an 8 Soul Urge and a 3 expression, just the reverse of the base name. As with an individual, a business nickname usually does not have staying power if it is in conflict with the image of the business.

Another example is The New York Times. It is often referred to as The Gray Lady. The numbers for the base name and the nickname are all similar and creative. even though there does not seem to be any correlation in the names, The similarities of the energies make this a suitable designation without interfering with the mission of the paper. Most people who use this designation do so with affection. As a result, The Gray Lady takes on a positive feel.

When you are determining a business name. You may want to consider how it will be perceived and what common designation might result from this name. A longer business name will more likely be shortened. You can leave this common name to chance, or you can make a choice that you promote. If the shortened name that you choose matches your business image, it will take hold. A nickname that goes against the way your business is perceived will not become popularly used. If you leave a nick name to chance you may not like the result.

© 2004 Daniel R. Hardt


Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Publishing House
Life Path Business Services


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