What to do when confusion Reigns

If you have been following the articles in this newsletter, you may get the impression that once you set up the chart for your business that every step will be crystal clear with no more indecision. You may become upset to find that you still need to ponder and evaluate your projects.

The numbers are not fate. You have free will. And frankly I am glad that is the case. Numerology does not eliminate "you" from the success of your business. It will help you to make better decisions. It will let you know when to expect change. It will help in all the areas we have previously discussed.

The cycles have an ebb and flow. The odd numbers and the even numbers can designate quite opposite energies. As a general rule, you will be more productive if you take action under an odd numbered energy. You will want to consolidate and prepare in the even numbered energies. This is not a hard and fast rule, but if you follow this path you will come out ahead more often than not.

If you have been serious about using numerology as a business tool, you probably have looked at several books on the subject. You will quickly realize that no two of them agree in every point. The areas of difference can be significant. Numerologists can't even agree upon what to name the core numbers or how many core numbers should be used. Most likely you will be ready to throw up your hands and quit or to totally dismiss the benefits of numerology. Don't despair. If you set up your business chart, or have one prepared by a numerologist, and follow it, you will gain greatly from the insights and patterns.

Numerology gives you an edge over your competitors. You will know the best time to send out a mailing. You will know what offers will be consistent with your business image to create immediate trust. You will place your employees in the position best suited to them. Using your staff at the positions that are in tune with their basic energies improves morale, increases production and reduces turnover. With Numerology you can know the best placement.

The answer to confusion is to establish your base and to build your business plan around it. Constantly test your results, and make any indicated modifications. Don't expect agreement in every aspect. You will find what works for you.

© 2004 Daniel R. Hardt


Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Publishing House
Life Path Business Services


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