How Numerology Can increase sales

No matter how lofty its goals and how altruistic the owners
might be, without adequate sales a business cannot survive to
fulfill those higher ambitions. It is axiomatic that an
unprofitable business cannot long provide benefit to anyone.
With that thought in mind, it is appropriate to explore a few of
the ways that numerology can further that process.

The sales manager: is charged with motivating the sales staff to
greater production. The manager may use both overt and hidden
tactics. The first step is to be sure to hire the right people.
Your company has specific traits and approaches geared to the
clientele and the nature of the product. The people selling the
product must conform to the nature of the business. A great
sales person working with a company or product that is not in
tune with his numbers will either not be effective or will
quickly burn out. You would not trust a flippant stockbroker
with your investments, nor would a traditional banker be very
effective in selling resort time shares. The numbers can quickly
determine the match of the sales person with the product and the
business. The numbers see beneath the false front that can
sometimes be maintained until after the hire.

The right people: need to be properly motivated. Again the
numbers will reveal the hot buttons of each sales person. Too
often a sales manager has little clue as to the true motivator.
Either out of ignorance or from laziness, he will likely use the
approach that would be motivating to him. Not everyone will
respond positively to this approach. Sales contests could be
much more effective with awards tailored to the motivational
needs of each individual. No matter how valuable the prize, if
it does not stir the emotions, it will not encourage enhanced

Timing must be right: The energies of some days are suitable to
making calls and to be persuasive in the field. Other days are
more conducive to catching up on the paper work. Some days are
active and thrusting, others are laid back and quiet. If you
work with the rhythm of your cycles, you are propelled forward
without additional effort. When you buck the flow, every task
becomes a challenge.

Prospects and Clients: have their own rhythm. They may or may
not be in sync with the sales person. In a one-on-one situation,
it may be suitable to reassign this prospect. If the buying
decision is by a group, the salesperson may need to concentrate
upon the person in the group with whom he or she is most in
tune. That person can then help with the sale to the others.

Suppliers and advisors: have their own cycles. working with
people in compatible cycles will more likely get you favored
status. Trying to work with companies or entities in an
incompatible cycles will never allow the level of trust to
develop that is natural with people in compatible cycles.

Each person is born into one of nine personal year cycles. The
cycles are set at the birth of the individual and cannot be
changed. The business is in a specific cycle based upon the
founding date. If the business cycle is not compatible with the
individual cycle, it can be changed through incorporation or
reincorporation. Incorporating the business establishes a new
entity with a new founding date.

Obviously you cannot initially know the birth date of everyone
with whom you wish to do business. By being aware of the cycles
you will learn to rely upon your intuition at the first meeting.
Most likely that first impression will be confirmed by the
numbers when they are disclosed. The quick check of the first
name will give you an immediate clue as to how that person
wishes to present himself or herself to the world. Unless that
person is trying to hide behind a facade, this can be a fair
indicator of how compatible that person is to you.

One way to get a feel for the quick check is to list the first
names of all the people with whom you are in contact. Pay
attention to the first vowel and the first consonant if it
precedes the vowel. You will begin to see a pattern. The people
with whom you feel comfortable will display energies that are in
your core numbers. The people with whom you are wary or at odds
will have conflicting energies. After working with this approach
for a while you will intuitively know upon a first meeting
whether you want to develop a further relationship with this
person. You can know in advance those contacts who will bring
you grief. Fortunately, the compatible people will outnumber the
incompatible because of the natural laws of attraction.

When you work only with people whom you like and who like you,
life can be more pleasant and business can be more profitable. I
wish you great success in all your endeavors.

© 2004 Daniel R. Hardt

Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Publishing House
Life Path Business Services 


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