A Blind Man With a Vision: A Tribute to Ray Charles

(This series of articles on people who have made a difference in
the world of business and politics show the numbers from which
these men and women were and are working. It is helpful to see
what they have done with their energies. With some you will get
the impression that they were fighting their numbers. Others
show the smooth flow as they conformed. These articles profile
these people strictly from a reading of the charts. Through will
power and circumstances they may have overcome the negative
aspects or avoided the pitfalls that the numbers indicated could
be a problem. Obviously, an article cannot do full justice to the
individual. This is not intended to be a biography. It is a quick
sketch at best. By analyzing the chart and life of the person you
will see how most people intuitively follow their numbers. By
having a chart delineated you can know with certainty in

Birth Name: Ray Charles Robinson
Name used professionally: Ray Charles
Birth Date: September 23, 1930

Life Path 18/9
Expression 18/9
Soul Urge 17/8
Personality 10/1
Birth Day 23/5
Integrative Vision 32/5

In the case of Ray Charles, we see a man who followed his
numbers throughout life. His rewarding career was made easier
because his numbers supported his choice. As a musician, his was
a genius talent with both an 18/9 life path and an 18/9
expression. The 8 soul urge pushed him to be successful at his
chosen profession.

This man could have been successful at about any activity that
he chose. With the 5 birthday and the 5 integrative vision,
talent was in good supply for a wide choice of careers. There
was not much that he could not have been good at. His greatest
challenge was to stick with any choice until it could be
productive. His restless, curious mind was constantly wishing to
explore new areas of activity and new parts of the world.

I would guess that he attracted a lot of friends along the way
through his zest for living and love of a good time. He even
stated in an interview that he had been known to drive several
times. When he became blind at about age 8, he could have shut
down his desire to continue toward a productive life. After all
he had several strikes against him, and no one would have blamed
him for becoming less than he could be. In addition to his
blindness he was black in a society that was not yet fully
accepting of his race in the entertainment industry. But Ray
Charles was not his blindness nor his blackness.

Because of the strong influence of the 5 energy, he was
versatile in his music interests and styles. He excelled in all
types and moved easily from jazz to country to classical to

The strongest emphases in his numbers are upon the 9 and the 5
energies. The essence of the 5 is to experience life and to
learn from that experience. The two sides of the 9 energy is to
bring the idealized vision for society into physical being and
to develop creative talent as a means of spreading that vision.
He did this task superbly. With his music he got the attention
of the world. After gaining experience with life as it was, he
began to see what could be. He teamed up with Dr. Martin Luther
King's crusade for equal rights. Because of his celebrity
status in the music world, people were willing to listen to his

His genuine concern for others was best expressed by his
willingness to use his shortened name professionally in
deference to "Sugar" Ray Robinson. Using the name Ray Charles
brought in an 11/2 expression that added to his sensitivity and
negotiating skills. He was a man of tact and diplomacy, but with
his original 8 soul urge he could be demanding and
confrontational when the circumstances required this approach.

As expected from his 5 integrative vision, he would not be
content to work only in a single country. He took his vision of
equal rights to South Africa in the fight against apartheid as

Some may have considered Ray Charles to be handicapped, but he
found a way to find the seed of success in his disability. He
had an inner seeing that was greater than physical vision would
have been. In spite of his challenges, his numbers showed no
major roadblocks to anything that he wished to do or to be.

© 2004 Daniel R. Hardt

Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Business Services
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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