Base Your Business Decisions upon Solid Fact

If you intend to stay in business you cannot prosper if your decision making is based upon a guess or a whim. You keep good financial records to know where your best rate of return is. You eliminate the unproductive marketing and enhance the areas that are bringing in profit. Even with the best testing you can make a mistake. the markets change. The desire for your product may shift with the economy. Other factors enter into your approach to the market.

The astute business person takes advantage of all the available tools. To stay ahead of the game requires a constant re-evaluation of your position. If you are unwilling to consider necessary modifications you will lag behind the competition and lose out.

Because numerology as a business tool is not widely known or used, you can gain a distinct edge through using its benefits.

When you are meeting a new prospect would it help your presentation to know whether this person prefers a detailed showing of every fact and figure or whether this person prefers a summary presentation with a colorful word picture? You can have a good idea just by knowing that prospects first name.

Would you like a system that will tell you in advance whether a job applicant will fit into your business environment and whether that prospective employee will add what you need? You can know by obtaining just the birth name of that person and the date of birth.

Do you need to motivate your sales staff? You may have tried a variety of incentives with varying degrees of success. A certain bonus may motivate one and leave another feeling blase. If you could tailor an incentive that stirs the passions of each sales person would your sales increase?

Do your employees spend too much time on the telephone in trivial chit-chat? The fault may lie in your telephone number. Certain numbers encourage conversation. Other numbers are direct and to the point. The desirable number depends upon your style of doing business, and that style conforms to the core numbers of the business. If you try to institute a style that is in conflict with the business numbers you will generate distrust in your customers or clients. They will pick up on the discord.

Have you found that some advertising campaigns do better than others even though you are reaching the same market with the same message each time? There is a rhythm to the energies of the business. Sending out an advertisement when the business energies are highly responsive will get a better return than if the advertisement is sent in a passive time. You can know these cycles just by knowing the founding date of your business.

The answer to each of these dilemmas and much more is available through numerology. Using numerology does not eliminate your need to be an astute business person. It does give you information for making better decisions. The information provided by the numbers is accurate if the data provided is correct. A day off in the birth date or a letter off in the name will render the chart invalid. Numerology is that precise.

To gain these advantages for your own business you need to be knowledgeable in numerology or to obtain the services of a qualified numerologist. Life Path Numerology Center offers full training for you or your staff to the level you desire. Classes range from basic instruction to courses for full certification. We also provide full coaching, evaluation and consultation services. Are you open minded enough to try an unconventional approach?

© 2004 Daniel R. Hardt

Doctor Dan, the Numbers Man
"We train the professionals"

Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Business Services 
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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