Can Numerology Make You Rich?

The answer is "NO." You gain riches through your own actions. Numerology gives you insights into which actions are appropriate. Numerology will not make you rich in the same sense that a roadmap will not give you a great vacation. That wonderful vacation required a lot of planning, purchasing supplies and equipment, reservations and preparations for being away. Could you have had a great vacation without a road map? possibly. Some people enjoy just heading out without a specific destination in mind and without any preplanned activities. This is quite a different trip than traveling to a specific location for a prearranged stay.

Numerology is like the road map. It allows you to see your path before you set out. With specific plans you know how to prepare. You will be ready for the activities that are to be included in each day. With the unplanned trip, you may find that you did not bring with you some item that would have made your travels more enjoyable. Since you had no plan in mind, you didn't know what you would be needing.

To change the analogy, for your business success you likely have prepared a business plan. This plan consists of certain goals that you intend to reach. It provides a step-by-step guide as to the necessary actions to reach those goals. You have probably included a break-down of the costs and the time frame to allow for the project. To create this plan you have used your best business judgment. You have tested the markets and you have determined that the product or service is priced to sell at a profit.

All of these elements are important and necessary. But are you sure that your timing is right? Numerology lets you know the nature of the energies impacting your business during specific time periods. There is an ebb and flow to these energies. If you make a major push during an ebbing energy, you will exert more energy to accomplish the same or a lesser result. You are paddling against the current. When the energies are conducive to activity, you would then be worn out and take a break during what should be your productive period.

Numerology can help you to create a detailed plan that takes advantage of this natural flow. As a result of this additional planning you will be in tune with the laws of nature, which are designed to bring you success. Why make the job harder than it needs to be.

So, can numerology make you rich? NO, but it can guide your actions so that you can achieve riches more easily. You are still the key factor in your success.

© 2004 Daniel R. Hardt

Doctor Dan, the Numbers Man
"We train the professionals"

Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Business Services 
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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