Numerology and Natural Laws

We live in a structured universe. No matter how anarchistic your
nature may be, you are subject to the effects of the laws of
nature. Gravity will pull you down no matter how strongly you
rebel against it. A few valid instances of levitation may be
found, but those cases are the exception that proves the law.

These laws allow our scientists to predict what to expect in the
space program. If natural laws were capricious, no valid planning
could be done. The consistency in the physical realm promotes
invention and exploration. New ideas grow out of prior

The earth plane is not limited to human perception. We are
surrounded by phenomena that can only be detected with
instrumentation. The search for the unseen usually begins with a
theory, which was developed by expanding upon the known facts.

Metaphysical studies take us beyond the perceived world, into
exciting areas of research. The scientific community and the
metaphysical practitioners have recently found common ground. I
have no doubt that this coordination will grow for the benefit
of us all. The recent film, "What the (bleep) do we Know?"
brings to public awareness the effects of quantum physics in our
everyday life. Particularly striking was the experiment that
viewed water under a microscope. Each bottle was labeled with a
specific emotion. Just the labeling and the focus of the
researcher caused each bottle of water to take on noticeable
structural differences.

On September 18, 2004, a Web of Love experiment was conducted.
About 200,000 people from all over the world, at a designated
time, concentrated upon certain guided imagery over a half hour
period. This experiment was monitored by Measurements Research,
Inc. in Providence, Rhode Island. The first results were
published today (November 18, 2004). The research notes describe
the scientific methodology of the study. A significant effect was
shown by the graphs. This experiment was an attempt to
scientifically measure the physical effect of mental processes.
You can see these results at 

The preliminary conclusion is that the human mind has a
measurable influence upon the physical structure. Of course,
metaphysicians have known this fact for a long time. What is now
possible is to measure the effect. Once the effect is measured,
it becomes possible than to modify it.

It is at that point of modification that numerology can have its
greatest impact. A numerology chart, whether for an individual or
for a business, shows the established structure for the
individual or business. By displaying a coordinated view of the
entity, it provides the base from which valid decisions can be
made. Numerology is founded upon natural laws. It discloses
tendencies and trends. Following the established pattern creates
an environment in which success and accomplishment is not only
possible, but most likely.

Understanding the effect of human thinking upon the physical
reality gives the individual control. It is now shown that each
of us has the ability to bring desired modifications into our
world. Numerology provides individual guidance for creating the
most suitable effects.

This article has gone beyond the usual scope of this newsletter.
For those of you who may think that I have flaked out on you, I
ask your indulgence. We will get back to normal in subsequent
issues. For those of you who want to delve deeper, May I
recommend our course on the Scientific base of numerology.

© 2004 Daniel R. Hardt

Doctor Dan, the Numbers Man
"We train the professionals"

Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Business Services
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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