Change is in the Air

Numerologists are an independent lot. There are several
methods of calculation and we can't even agree on our
terminology. Read several books on the subject and you
will be confused by the areas of disagreement. This
diversity makes the self-study of numerology a challenging
task. Anyone who works in the field will develop a
workable methodology and test for accuracy through feed
back from clients. By following a consistent process the
practitioner gains consistently accurate results.

I am dogmatic about the method that we follow in my
classes. The uniformity keeps the class experience
understandable. I am less concerned about how the graduate
practices provided that they are giving accurate readings.
Some of my top students vigorously disagree with me in
some areas. We have had interesting follow-up sessions to
discuss alternatives. I respect their expertise and their

One of these areas of disagreement is the timing of the
personal year change. Does the personal year extend from
birthday to birthday, or does it follow the calendar year?
Numerologists are about evenly divided on this issue. I
have found a greater degree of accuracy in following the
calendar year. Some of my students question whether that
accuracy holds for people born at the opening or closing
of a year. One of my students, who also worked in our
office for a short while, had taken a previous class with
another teacher who taught the birthday to birthday
timing. He was adamant that his view was correct, but then
made the statement that, of course, we make an adjustment
to the first of the year for accuracy. This statement
shows how a good practitioner will tailor his methodology
to reflect reality.

If you follow the Daily Numeroscopes, you can see that
your numeroscope changes the personal year on January 1.
This change is true for both your personal numbers and for
your business.

In addition to the testing, I believe that logic supports
the calendar year. The core numbers derived from the birth
date are exterior numbers. They impact the individual from
outside. These numbers reflect the energy of the universe.
We selectively tune into these numbers according to our
personal vibrations. The exterior numbers go from January
1 through December 31. The numbers derived from the name
are interior numbers. they reflect who we are and directly
relate to all of our souls past experience. They go from
birthday to birthday.

Early in January I will be doing another week-long study
to further test the validity. I will be asking for
volunteers to participate.

Meanwhile, enjoy the changes that are coming to you as we
enter a new year.

© 2004 Daniel R. Hardt

Doctor Dan, the Numbers Man
"We train the professionals"

Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Business Services
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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