Married Numbers

Just as an individual or a business or a country is influenced
by the cycles established by the birth of that entity, a
marriage has its own character set by the numbers of the wedding
day. Too often the date of a wedding is chosen by practical
consideration of the event itself without thought of the long
term consequences of that choice.

Planning a wedding is often a major production that can take
many months of intense effort. When will the selected church be
available? will the caterer and the gown shop have ample
preparation time. The invitations must be sent. Will the
honeymoon accommodations be open then? Bringing all the pieces
together is not an easy task. I can hear the sigh of relief when
a date is finally determined. But what does that choice mean to
the marriage itself?

The marriage is an entity determinable by the numbers. It has a
start date that sets the cycles for the flow of events during
the course of that marriage. When the date is chosen randomly,
it may or may not create a marriage that is comfortable for the
bride and the groom.

I was first married long before I had any knowledge of
numerology. For all of the above reasons we set a wedding date
of September 5, 1964. If you do the calculation, you see that
the life path number for this marriage was a 16/7. 16 has a
karmic debt pertaining to relationships. I don't know that
choosing a different date would have avoided all the problems of
this marriage, but I can state with certainty that this energy
exacerbated the inherent problems in the marriage. This marriage
ended in divorce and the subsequent death of my ex-spouse. I do
believe that the life path marriage number added an unnecessary

Some might say that the date was intuitively chosen to bring us
together to resolve past karma. Maybe! But why take on an extra
burden by choice? I am now in another 7 relationship (even
though I do not have any 7s in my core, I seem to surround
myself with the deep thinking 7s.) This time the relationship is
a straight 7 without the 16 karma.

Take a look at your own marriage. Add all the digits of your
wedding day and add the results until you get a single digit or
a master number (11,22,33 or 44.) This information may give you
added insight into how you and your spouse relate within the

Check this web page for a brief explanation of what your wedding
date says about your marriage:


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© 2005 Daniel R. Hardt

Doctor Dan, the Numbers Man
"We train the professionals"

Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center, Inc.
Life Path Business Services
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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