Secrets to a Quantum Leap in Your Business

It is no secret to most successful people that the winner does not need to be miles ahead of the competition. A horse race is sometimes won by a nose. The Indianapolis 500 would be a dull race If the winner lapped all comers to the finish line.

Much of your business success relies upon a favorable perception by your visitors and customers. Trust is built a piece at a time through reliable consistency. It can be lost easily through negligence.

The proper use of numerology gives you the pattern for a consistent approach. Through your numbers you can easily coordinate your advertising. Certain numbers are service oriented. Other numbers are money oriented. You can confidently provide the appropriate emphasis through knowing your business and personal numbers. Too many business people go to the experts for advertising copy without first considering the subtle trust building aspects that come from the numbers. You may be skeptical about the effect of following the energies built into your numbers, but your customers will have a subconscious reaction. If there is a discord between the numbers and the words your ad copy will not ring true. That unvoiced perception can make the difference between a sale and a click off.

The Decor of your office or store or the image of your website, likewise gives off an energy. If it is in tune with your numbers your visitors will feel comfortable. If there is a conflict with the numbers, they will become uncomfortable and may leave before the business is concluded. Some numbers require elegant surroundings. Some need a warmer aura. Some numbers require a streamlined efficiency. Some can nicely accommodate clutter. The numbers can also direct you to the most desirable color scheme.

Don't overlook the importance of the address and telephone number. The address can bring rigid routine or wide open experimentation. Some numbers work better for certain types of businesses than others. Choosing the right address can have long term impact on the way business flows to you. The telephone number can affect the nature of the calls that you receive. Some numbers encourage long winded conversations. Others are to the point and profitable. There is no absolute right or wrong. As with all phases of your business, you need to choose a number that suits the business style of your numbers.

By subscribing to this newsletter I assume that you have some interest and understanding of numerology, but you may not want to become a numerologist. Although I recommend a basic working knowledge of this ancient metaphysical science for day to day decision making, these services are available through a competent professional. From a practical standpoint, you hire an accountant or an attorney to keep you on track in the areas of their expertise, but you can work with these professionals more effectively if you have some understanding of what they are doing. You may even have these professionals on a retainer basis so that you can pick up the phone and call in any questions that arise. Have you considered that having a numerologist available could give you that extra nose lead that it takes to win?

Many large corporations have a numerologist (or someone knowledgeable in numerology) on staff. Such a person can evaluate new hires to avoid a misfit, or they can screen salespeople for honesty and integrity before allowing access to a decision maker. If you are the salesperson, you may want to evaluate your prospects with the numbers to know that person's hot buttons before you make the contact. There is a quick short cut. All you need to know is the first name of a person to know how that person wants to be approached. The numbers can keep you from putting your foot in your mouth in an important presentation.

In this coming year, we intend to create a self-study course directed at the business use of numerology. In addition we teach classes both here at the Center and in various locations on the road. The schedule will be posted on the website. We would like to come to your area if there is interest. For those who desire to become professional numerologists, our certification training is the most thorough available. More professional numerologists are needed to meet the growing demand. Help! I am covered over.

© 2006 Daniel R. Hardt

Doctor Dan, the Numbers Man "We train the professionals"

Daniel R. Hardt Life Path Numerology Center Life Path Business Services Web site  "Bringing Numerology to Business"


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