Information Overload

As with most successful people in business, I subscribe to a number
of relevant publications, both print and on-line. It may take a
while, but eventually you get a sense of which writers have
something of value for you. These are the publications that you
read. Once you have determined that a certain e-zine or magazine
does not speak to your present situation, you can either
unsubscribe or just ignore it. Some publications are helpful for
specific projects or for a specific phase of your work, so how you
categorize each one may change.

You may want to read the works of writers who provide information
that is not directly related to your work, but are writing in an
area that interests you, or in which you have personal concerns.
Some publications are worth a quick scan for that occasional gem.

When you are first exposed to the wealth of information available,
you may be tempted to spend all your time reading anything that
could potentially be helpful. The information overload can be
crippling. For example, a big area of hype on the internet now is
video on your website or even in e-mail. The subject is tempting
enough to want to spend a lot of time learning all about it. It
seems like a technology that could really boost my marketing
efforts. The fact is that I am not yet ready to put a video
presentation into place. Any study in this area, at the moment, is
time taken away from my business plan. This time is better spent in
current projects. I may find greater profit in never learning about
website video at all. Experts are available for hire.

It is too easy to follow every new idea and never complete the work
that would bring success. Business success does not come from
knowing, it comes from applying that knowledge in action. If you
are reading too much material that is not immediately relevant, you
don't have time to act. That information will be available when you
are ready to use it. You don't need it now.

If you are following your numbers, you will know when it is time to
bring in a new project. Choose carefully what you will add and
devote your reading time and your action to that focus. The numbers
can also direct you to the most suitable new areas for your
business. Don't get so caught up in the advertising excitement of
any idea outside your focus that you lose your way. Looking at the
total chart can tell you what projects or what new technologies fit
your business and which ones may take you off-track.

You may find it beneficial to engage the services of a professional
numerologist for this purpose, or you may want to learn numerology
for yourself by taking my class at University of Masters (See the
link above.)

© 2006 Daniel R. Hardt

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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