Featured Article by Justin Daufenbach

Life Path Numerology Center is pleased to have an outstanding temporary associate in Justin. He comes from Phoenix, AZ, and is an accomplished numerologist. You will want to get to know Justin during his term here.

Asparagus Spears and Business

Quite often I’m asked the question, “Why does a particular number appear so often in my life?” My "version of the truth" in this situation is that these numbers are subconscious hints, such as dreams in Freudian psychology. The subconscious finds a symbol and activates a conscious focus on that symbol which then causes ideas to surface that were not being obviously presented to the person. This process stirs emotions and thoughts to recreate the effect of the original idea or memory, which eventually aids in releasing the mental barriers.

Innate human nature attaches ideas to a number consciously, but it is also found through psychology that the subconscious is born with ideas that correlate to numbers. Numerologists have the means to decipher the symbolism and give reasons as to why a person is seeing certain numbers, just as psychologists can analyze dreams. These numbers are viewed by the subconscious as an idea. The subconscious then focuses on that idea and attempts to “speak” to the conscious thought through it. As you focus upon the idea brought up by the number it becomes recognized in thought. As you face the triggered idea and grow with it you can then unblock the barriers against which your mind is struggling.

You can also convince yourself to find a number. This exercise will lead to constantly finding that number in your life, and of course, overlooking other numbers to give stronger definition to the one sought. Ironically, Whether or not you look for numbers you are following the same principle of searching for this vibration subconsciously and consciously.

In business the subconscious awareness of numbers strongly affects people whether or not they know it. Numbers are already a part of everyone’s subconscious. They create a direct link to ideas. Correct numbers posted in ways that are visible and attractive really eliminate the need to speak. This picture is worth a thousand thoughts. Using numbers in your environment can sell without the need to sell, raise comfort levels for employees and raise the mood in clients. Learning which numbers to use and how to use them can be a great tool and an asset in your business.

As a simple example, when I went to culinary school I learned that an odd number of vegetables on a plate will give a more appetizing appeal. Knowing to place 3 asparagus spears on a plate and not 4 can actually determine whether or not the plate appears to be perfect or just alright to a customer. Simple number tricks and procedures like this can give your business that little extra edge in any situation. Isn't that the kind of boost every business could use?

© 2006 Justin Daufenbach

Daniel R. Hardt
Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site http://www.lifepathnum.com
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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