Good Vibrations

In a prior article we discussed the increasing vibrational energy that was causing a speed up of time. This higher vibrational rate requires a stronger reliance upon intuition. There is no longer sufficient time to follow the old paradigm. We can now accomplish so much more in much less time simply by connecting with our inner selves, which in turn connects to the collective conscious to bring to us whatever is needed.

As a confirmation of this idea, the latest issue of Aura magazine contains an article by Lumari, entitled "Using Your intuition to Augment Your Sales Selection. She recommends scanning your store and to feel the energy of the products displayed. Let them speak to you. Order those products that draw you into their ambit.

This article points the direction of the new energies. But suggesting an intuitive approach does not mean to set aside your logical or analytical thinking. Both are required for a successful program.

I have found that working with numerology has greatly enhanced my intuitive insights. I am sure that practitioners of the other metaphysical sciences would concur for their field. Your inner self will draw to you the people and opportunities that will quickly take you where you want to go. Collaterally, you will draw opportunities that take you off track. You must still pick and choose. Your intuitive sense cuts down the necessary time for this analysis.

As an example of this approach, I had contact from a marketing master, whom I have known for about 2 years. I have been looking for the appropriate way to market the professional training program. During my times of meditation, I put out the thought that I needed the plan to make it work. During the course of this call, I intuitively knew that this program was the right approach and agreed to be in Atlanta during the end of June. Even though the program is expensive (at least in my terms) I had no hesitation in agreeing to attend. My inner self told me this was the answer that I had been seeking. As a result, I have no doubt that whatever is needed financially to take full advantage of the program will be abundantly supplied. When my inner self guides me to the steps to take, they will be accomplished easily and fully. I am grateful for the understanding to follow this procedure without stress or worry.

© 2006 Daniel R. Hardt

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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