A saga of connections

I received an e-mail from a subscriber in New Zealand, recommending a site from California. I reviewed the site and was so impressed that I felt impelled to call the principals behind it. When we made connection I immediately felt as if I had known this family for a long time. I ordered the featured book, which arrived very quickly and took the time to read it right away. During the course of the discussion, I arranged to be at their teleseminar this evening. The timing was perfect. It follows right after my class on www.universityofmasters.com

Diane indicated that they had been looking for a venue like U of M. I referred her to Pamela Harper, the head of U of M. Although they had not met, it turns out that Diane Pauley and Pamela Harper are in the same area code. They are virtually neighbors and can connect with a local call.

I share this story to show you graphically how business is to be done in the new energy. Call it synchronicity, coincidence, random luck or fate, such connections rebound to everyone's benefit. It is so much easier to get the job done when everything falls into place.

To take the story one step further, I had a situation that needed a quick solution. I had prayed about the matter and left it in God's hands to bring the solution. It was on that day that I got that New Zealand e-mail that brought the answer for which I was seeking. Thanks Marian for more than you knew you were giving.

To see what has caused such a chain of events, take a look at http://www.richdreams.com/success/success.html

So where, you may ask, does numerology fit into all this? Quantum Marketing is a methodology for attaining what we want in our lives. It does not eliminate us from the picture. We still have basic characteristics, talents and purposes to be fulfilled. We choose what it is that we want. Numerology reveals these areas where our emphasis will be most productive. As with all of creation and all of the sciences and methodologies that are made available to us, there is a whole fabric into which each element fits. All work together.

Just because I am a passionate, professional numerologist. I don't believe that numerology is the only tool that you need or should use. I have chosen to limit my practice only because I still have so much to develop in numerology. I do not have time to scatter my energy into several different fields. That does not mean that I don't respect the other disciplines or in any way discredit their validity.

All of the tools that we are given for a successful, happy and fruitful life should be in our tool box. Don't disdain an offered help out of a prejudice for or against any beneficial method. If you find your ultimate answer today in a single discipline, don't be blinded to other tools that my be useful for tomorrows changes.

I wish for you all the synchronicity that you can handle and all the blessings that you are ready to receive.


© 2006 Daniel R. Hardt

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site http://www.lifepathnum.com 
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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