Buried Anchors

Just as we buy things from an emotional base, we also tend to hold on to things emotionally. The person who is reared in a family who always bought Ford products may feel that he is being untrue to his heritage if he buys a General Motors product. To go really out of his emotional comfort zone he may have a difficult adjustment to a European or Asian made automobile.

If the family has prided itself on being poor, a son may go through emotional upheaval to move into a higher income level. He has an emotional attachment to the family status.

We see this same emotional attachment within ethnic groups. There is a national character that molds its members. When a person moves from that culture into another culture with a different national character, the smoothness of the adjustment depends upon how strongly that person is attached to his ethnic roots. A single individual making the move will be forced to transition more readily for survival. When groups of a certain ethnicity make the move they often maintain the national character of origin for a longer period of time. The group reinforces the status quo.

Religious beliefs, particularly with a fundamentalist viewpoint, can also chain an individual to a set pattern. Even if the individual breaks free from the connection, he will hold a residual of that belief for a lifetime.

By looking at your personal numbers, you can gain a pretty good idea of the extent to which you are holding on to past beliefs. These beliefs no longer serve you well, yet, because they are buried in the subconscious, it is difficult to expunge them.

Thoughts of limitation and lack carry over into your business. Intuitively, you may choose a business name and/or start date that fosters the attitudes with which you are comfortable. As a result, your business may be slow in getting off the ground. By checking out the numbers, you can give yourself a boost. It is hard to soar when the anchors are grabbing the landing strip.


© 2006 Daniel R. Hardt

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site http://www.lifepathnum.com 
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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