The Anomaly of the Competitive Mind

Numerology deals with natural cycles created by the rotation of the earth and other bodies within our gravitational pull. The cycles are consistent and universal. They are the skeletal structure of all that happens.

I am sometimes asked how numerology can be accurate when there are different cultures, different languages and different calendars that each interpret the numbers from a different cultural perspective. The answer is that the events that fill these cycles, the flesh and blood on the skeleton, so to speak, can vary by culture and time. Just as all human bodies contain a similar skeletal structure, barring deformities and abnormalities, yet we would be hard put to find two people who are alike in appearance. The common characteristics take on a personal distinction.

Each culture interprets its responses to the natural cycles with a distinctive style. The energies are the same, but the language and responses to those energies carry an ethnic flavor that is commonly agreed upon by the members of that culture. All the thoughts and actions of each member of that culture, both past and present, goes into the interpretation of the cultural ethos. The numbers are then interpreted according to that ethos.

To successfully do business in that culture requires an understanding of what is acceptable. As an example, numerologists are generally agreed that the 4 energy can be hard working, frugal and stubborn. Those words may become relative to the general norm of the people. By understanding this relativity, we can adjust our interpretation of the numbers to arrive at an accurate delineation.

just as there are cultural adjustments to consider, there are time adjustments. We regularly deal with the numbers of the days, weeks, months and years. We are less likely to consider the numbers of the decades, centuries and millennia

In the western calendar, we have recently moved from a 1 millennium to a 2 millennium. The 1 energy is individualistic and competitive. The 2 energy is cooperative and harmonious. In this new millennium, the image of the self-made man is becoming an anomaly. That paradigm doesn't work so well now. As we progress further into the millennium, joint ventures and supportive activities will be the key to success for all.

Certain individuals, such as hackers and spammers and drug dealers see this gentler compatibility as a weakness to be exploited. They are the dying gasp of the prior millennium. They will be forced to work harder and harder for less results until their efforts no longer pay.


© 2006 Daniel R. Hardt

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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