Inadvertent Sabotage

Each numerology chart, whether for an individual or a business, contains a life path number, which is derived from the total sum of the birth date digits. This number designated the life lesson that we chose to work through during this lifetime. It is not unusual for the chart to contain conflicting numbers which make the learning of the lesson more difficult.

Agree or disagree, as you will, but I believe that we had input in making this choice before birth. When setting up a business, you certainly have choice. So why would you set up conflict?

In the personal chart, our souls know at a deep subconscious level what is needed for the complete development. In addition to the lesson to be learned, a life consists of a package of traits and talents that will be used to learn the life lesson and to create a fulfilling time on earth. If the lesson is too easy, we may not pay proper attention to it. You may live many years before you reach that "aha" moment when You realize what the lesson was trying to teach you.

My "aha" moment has come just recently. I have a 13/4 life path. The essence of this lesson is to learn to be organized and to do things in a step by step manner. I have so many projects that I want to do that it becomes difficult to stay with one task to completion. I had to learn that instead of seeking new information and cutting edge technologies, to put into place what I already know. I don't need to waste my time reading about the latest development or ordering information materials that do not pertain to the current project. The needed information will be available when I am ready for it. I have quit storing all the e-books and reports and downloaded programs that I can see as being useful down the road. This was really an uncomfortable decision for me, but it has been one of the most freedom producing ideas. My productivity had increased greatly since I no longer waste precious time on future potential.

No matter what your life lesson may be, it undoubtedly will require some hard decisions. The primary challenge is your own inner resistance to the changes to meet the lesson. Your lesson may be quite different from mine. It likely will be no less challenging.

When setting up a business, you have the option to create a chart to your liking. Don't expect a perfect chart. It probably cannot be developed. When you change one element, it affects other elements in unsuspected ways. Strive for a chart the gives you the primary goals of your business and compromise on the lesser aspects. Be careful of a life lesson in your business that conflicts with what you are trying to accomplish on a personal level.

By the time we reach adulthood, much of our lives are dictated by habit. A conscious decision to take a new direction will be fought by the established regime within us. Through our habits we have taught others how to respond to us. When a conscious change is made, don't forget to retrain your associates to the new direction. Some will not like the difference and will do all in their power to keep us in the past mold. They will try to sabotage our progress, but even worse is when your own thinking about how they will react causes us to back down from our resolve for change.


© 2006 Daniel R. Hardt

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
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"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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