Featured Article by Vitae Bergman

We are happy to introduce a fellow numerologist to this readership. Vitae is a man of great wisdom and understanding. His article follows my offering in the last issue concerning intuition and numerology.

The mechanics of making a numerology chart are quite simple, especially when you are using the Joyful Numerology Chart Calculator.

Now, interpreting the chart is another matter. This is the intuitive part of the work.

A few suggestions:

1. Before you start to interpret, take a moment to get yourself centered. Attune yourself to your higher level of awareness - some refer to this altered state of consciousness as being in tune with your Higher Self. As well, attune yourself to the person whose chart you are reading.

Open yourself to your heart center - your caring instinct. Although you are using thought patterns when considering the chart at hand, and making statements - written or verbal - also from your mental storehouse of knowledge, these faculties are being used in the service of the heart center.

Henry Reed calls this place from which you are encouraged to operate: The Intuitive Heart. He has written a book on the subject, titled [of course] "The Intuitive Heart" published by ARE Press, 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061, USA. It is probably available through amazon.com.

I encourage you to obtain a copy of Henry's book. His inspiring demonstrations will rapidly expand your ability to grow your intuitive powers.

2. Before you actually begin your interpretations of each of the sections [Birth Number, Soul Desire Number, Personality Profile Number, etc.] study the person's chart as a complete statement of that person's Soul Purpose. Attempt to discern the whole picture. See the chart as a gestalt of that person's spirit being.

See how the different sections influence each other. Individually, each section has its own significance. But collectively, the sections build a more integrated story.

3. Finally, attempt to read the combination of numbers in a way similar to reading a musical score. Sense the "hidden" melody. See how numbers repeat themselves throughout the chart, like the recurring theme of a symphony.

Using these three approaches will expand your intuitive faculty. You will begin to see patterns that will tell a story unique to that person you are working with.

Even though there are only nine [plus the 10, 11,22,33 numbers] you are working with, their combinations [configurations] generate a huge variety of patterns. As no two snowflakes are alike, so with everything else, including us humans. Numerology can be incredibly complex, yet simple to use as a tool for seeing into a person's soul purpose.

You can get to know Vitae better by checking out his web site at http://joyfulnumerology.com

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