Chart Compatibility:

Compatibility: The Expression

The expression in a comparison is the flip side of the Life Path number. The Expression is the total of the value of all the letters of the birth name. It discloses the usable talents and abilities that you have brought into this lifetime to accomplish your life path lesson. In the prior article on the life path comparison, we discussed the tight bond that is created when one party has the same life path number as the other party's expression number.

The expression number is a strong indicator of career path direction. Some numerologists call it the destiny number. Other numerologists call the life path number the destiny number. I shy away from this terminology because of the confusion in naming the core numbers. I often get inquiries from readers who do not give their birth name and birth date, but instead list the core numbers with a term that does not allow me to be clear to which number they are referring.

One of the rules of numerology delineation is that the number derived from the whole is stronger than a number derived from a part. Following this principle, the expression is the strongest of the interior numbers (numbers derived from the name). If there is a conflict between the expression number and the either the soul urge or the personality, the expression predominates, modified by the number of the lesser core numbers.

When comparing charts for the purpose of business hiring, you must first know what you wish that business to accomplish. The business chart and your personal chart may lack a component that is desirable for rounding out the energies of the business. It is necessary to look at the whole chart to see whether that person complements the business or brings an unnecessary conflict.

The personality number (the total of the consonants) is a lesser number in the comparison, so we will not do a full article on it.

It is still early in the United States political process, but next week we will take a look at the numbers of some of the early entrants in the race. If you are from another country and would like a look at your political, business or entertainment leaders, give me as much data on that person as you have, and we will take a look.

© 2007 Daniel R. Hardt

"We train the professionals"

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
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"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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