Creating a Joy Filled Business

As a child I really enjoyed going to church. Our family life was centered around both the religious services and the social functions of the church. It was more than a religion. It was an exclusionary way of life.

When I became older with enhanced reasoning power, some elements of the doctrine just did not seem to make sense. My questioning was dismissed as evidence that I was not living as close to the Lord as I should be. Of course, that response just generated more questions.

Now that I have come a long way on my life journey, I realize that much of the dogma was not intended to make sense. It was meant to be taken by faith. Reasoning and logic was the antithesis of that viewpoint.

The churches that teach a mindless acceptance are growing rapidly. Society is being conditioned to let others do their thinking. Some non-religious people have sought that same directive from the government. They look to social services to tell them how to live their lives. The benefit of giving up control of your life is that you can cast yourself as a victim when things go wrong. It is never your fault because you did what was expected of you.

Now some of you reading this will give thanks that this picture does not describe you. You are in business, making your own decisions. Setting up your own plan, and proceeding toward your goals. I applaud your initiative. But a few of you may feel that you have taken control of your business life, yet are seeking someone else to make decisions for you.

The internet has established a new age in business. Wonderful opportunities have opened up, which would have been inconceivable without modern technology. The promise is so strong that many people who should not be in business for themselves make the attempt. After all, there are guru's who will take you by the hand and tell you each step to take. In some instances, they will even promise to do it for you.

The same people who would be dependent upon the church or the government now find themselves dependent upon self-appointed experts. The methodology is very similar. Hold out a promise of great reward if you will follow them. Predict dire consequences if you disobey. In the church, heaven is at stake. With the government, loss of benefits, or even loss of freedom could be a consequence. In blindly following the guru's, your business success is at risk.

Now that is not to say that you should not seek out advice, but the guidance should be tailored to your goals, not the goals of the mentor. Cookie cutter websites that promise money rolling in while you loll on the beach in a sunny clime are the lure that draws you deeper into the snare. Oh, you haven't yet made it because you need this additional piece that will cost you an additional several thousand dollars. The fads in internet marketing tend to line the pockets of those first in. By the time they teach you their method, it is already ineffective through overuse. They are already into something new.

One of the touted benefits of internet marketing is the minimal investment. Yet when you read the material of the major marketers or talk with the big players, you will find that most of them have spent thousands of dollars on programs, training and set-ups. Some have bragged of spending almost a million dollars just to develop the program that they want to sell to you. Their ad copy is persuasive. You must make that investment. It is expected that the majority of the purchasers will never actually get the program up and running.

Instead of wasting your time and money chasing every will-o'-the-wisp, Set your own plan and seek out the programs and information that will further that plan. Because we are each unique, what worked for the successful marketer may be a disaster for you.

And that is where numerology can save you thousands of dollars. The numbers of your chart will clearly show your best approach to business. With the numbers you can devise a plan that is right for you. When you follow someone else's plan you are asking for burnout. Your motivation will soon dry up and the money and effort will be wasted. With a plan compatible to your numbers you will experience the joy of your work.

© 2007 Daniel R. Hardt

"We train the professionals"

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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