Casting the Play of Your Life

"The wide and universal theatre."
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..."
As You Like It. William Shakespeare

The main outline of the script for the play of your life is set at birth. Numerology clearly defines the chosen parameters for this lifetime. Entrance into the earth plane sets the cycles and rhythms of your path. During the course of the play each actor is in constant negotiations at the level of the collective unconscious with those who will agree to take a role in the play.

Prearrangements were made with everyone with whom you interact to fulfill a specific role complementary to your own. No matter how distasteful the meeting or how uncomfortable the connection, you have invited that person to be a part of the act. So it is with a grateful heart that you should thank the beggar in the street, the stern and unfair boss, and the damsel in distress for agreeing to participate. The play would not be complete without each one of them.

Those wonderful synchronicities included in the plot were also negotiated and prearranged by you. These connections are usually done at the subconscious level, outside the awareness of your ego. Your inner self has a broader understanding of your needs and desires than the conscious mind, but since it is directed by conscious thinking, your inner self provides the connections to people and circumstances to achieve what is needed.

Most plays are not a one man show. The epics may have a cast of thousands. You will need a large cast to live life on a grand scale. To negotiate all these agreements at the conscious level would indeed be a daunting task. Let your subconscious do the work for you.

Numerology provides the broad outlines of the script for each phase of your life. With the numbers, you can know the layout of the scene. As a scene unfolds, the subconscious is already casting the next act. You can read ahead in the script through the numbers to have an idea of what is coming. By knowing why someone is in your life at a particular time, you can determine whether that person is a minor character or a co-star.

Some plays are comedies, some are melodramas and some are tragedies. Each has its place. It is my belief that each one of us authored or co-authored the script of this lifetime before arriving on the stage of life. As the author, you had valid reasons for your choices.

The performance of each lifetime contributes to the complete development of the soul. The numbers show the purpose of this life's play in the overall scheme. The sequel may have different characters and a different plot, or it may include several of the same characters. Groups of souls tend to incarnate together. If we did not learn the lessons that we set for this play, the sequel may be a rehash to give us another chance.

Of course, reciprocity requires that we also be willing to act in someone else's play, again in a role negotiated at the subconscious level. Do you hear the applause for your performance?

© 2007 Daniel R. Hardt

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