Professional Disintegration?

In the medical profession, a doctor who follows the prescribed and approved methods of treatment is not held liable, even when the approved treatments nave been shown to be ineffective or even damaging. Should a doctor choose an alternative course, no matter how valid the method, he is held to a stricter liability.

In considering the change to the Chaldean layout in numerology, I am going against the accepted practice in the field. A Google search, however shows a growing number of numerologists considering the validity of the Chaldean method. My announcement of a contemplated change has raised a lot of questions among clients and students.

I invite you to share the journey with me into newly discovered ancient knowledge. Test it out for yourself for accuracy. I would be very interested in having you share your results with me.

Most of the current literature works from the Pythagorean layout. Since Pythagoras studied all the extant systems of his time there is a good likelihood that he was familiar with the Chaldean system. He did not write about his system and forbade his students to even take notes. The system that bears his name was developed by a student some time after his death. The layout was based upon the Roman alphabet with only 22 letters. It seems a bit simplistic to transfer the layout to the English alphabet of 26 letters simply by placing the letters in a consecutive grid.

My own testing convinces me to make the change. At this time I am running the charts under both systems and gaining feedback from clients. By asking specific questions it is possible to determine to which methods the answers best apply.

© 2007 Daniel R. Hardt

"We train the professionals"

Life Path Numerology Center
Life Path Business Services
Web site:
"Bringing Numerology to Business"


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