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Procrastination by the Numbers

Procrastination has received a bum rap in many quarters. The most common cause of procrastination is fear. All action bears a consequence. If we are unsure of what that consequence will be, we may hesitate to move forward. In these circumstances the cause of the fear may first need to be removed before we can comfortably proceed.

In the alternative, you can choose to ignore or to overcome the fear, and forge ahead by sheer will power. This approach severs the unity between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Although you may feel good about the accomplishment achieved with this effort, you will be exhausted from the conflict.

Your procrastination is telling you something about the situation. At some level you are stymied for a good reason. Seldom is procrastination the result of laziness, although some small percentage of the time, I suppose, it can be attributed to lack of ambition.

As you work with numerology, you will begin to pay attention to your inner voice. Many of my students have expressed amazement that the sensitivity to the cycles and the inner promptings have kept them from acting on decisions that looked favorable to their logical mind, but would have produced negative results.

Numerology tells us that there are times to take action and times to delay action. Procrastination can be a means of allowing the perfect timing to arise. A premature action can sometimes be less desirable than no action at all.

In your business, on certain days you are attentive to detail. These are the days to sign agreements and to keep the records. Other days have a scattered energy that impels you to a lick and a promise. On these days you will more likely ignore the fine print to your detriment. Your inner voice will usually clue you in if you are listening. If you have not yet become keenly aware of your inner messages, the numbers will tell you the actions that are best.

As a recap for new readers and as a refresher for those of you who have been with us for a while, the following list will give you a clue whether to act or to wait. If you do not know your numbers or the numbers of your business, the Daily Numeroscopes for yourself and for your business will keep you on track. You can subscribe at  

The following list shows the influence of each energy.

1 This is an energy for action. You must take the initiative and follow your own ideas.

2 this is a passive energy. It is okay to procrastinate under this influence. the action is behind the scenes to move everything into perfect timing. Too much action will be counterproductive.

3 the energy is scattered. Your lively approach to life may cause you to put off anything that is not fun to do. This is a day to use your will-power to keep focused.

4 this energy is hard-working at routine and detailed tasks. Procrastination occurs when the task is unclear or requires new skills.

5 The unexpected changes under this energy will upset the best laid plans. Procrastination comes from the inner knowing that your direction may be changed and that your effort in getting right to the job would have been wasted.

6 This is the most balanced energy. Procrastination means that you have placed a low priority on the delayed project. The reason for the low priority may need to be analyzed.

7 Procrastination under this energy stems from a need for a thorough analysis, not only of the item of the procrastination, but of your entire path. This project may not fit into the revised plan.

8 this is the energy of accomplishment and mastery. Procrastination usually means that the matter is too petty or too boring for your attention. You may be better served by delegating the task.

9 This is the energy of completion. The delayed task may be one that should be started in a new cycle. to move forward under this energy may mean that the project will fold prematurely.

There is always a reason for procrastination, both in your personal and business decisions. Find the reason and you can make procrastination your friend. When you go with the flow of the numbers you will realize that sometimes you also serve when you sit and wait.

We would like to hear your experiences with procrastination. Post your stories to the Business Discussion Board so that all of us can learn from you.

In a brief article we can only give a general overview. If you have more detailed questions please post them to the Business Discussion Board. We have had some challenges in getting the Board up and running properly, but it now seems to be working. Give it a try.

© 2003 Daniel R. Hardt
President. Life Path Numerology Center, Inc. 

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